Manage groups and authorizations

Scramble lets you manage groups and authorizations securely and easily. Create encrypted groups for your team and set individual member permissions to protect access to sensitive data. This allows you to retain control over the sharing of your information.

Scramble Cloud Berechtigungen
Member authorizations

Assign individual authorizations
to each group member

Group member

Guests have controlled access to the files within a group. They can download files and view general information without being granted deeper access rights.

Scramble Cloud Gast

Group member

Contributors have extended functions in the group. They can upload files and folders and set permissions for their content. They can also manage files and folders for which they have read and write permissions and thus actively contribute to the design of the group.

Scramble Cloud Beitraeger

Group member

Owners have the highest rights in the group. They can change the permissions of all members, upload and fully manage files and folders. They also have unlimited control over the group and can perform any action to customize the administration.

Scramble Cloud Besitzer

Group member

Members have extended rights in the group. You can manage files and folders for which you have read and write access and actively contribute to the organization. You can also download files and view general information, which ensures efficient collaboration.

Scramble Cloud Mitglied

Group member

Administrators have extensive control rights in the group. They can change the permissions of members with lower roles, invite new members and remove other members. They can also upload and manage files and folders, which gives them a key role in the organization and security of the group.

Scramble Cloud Admin

Member overview with one click

Keep track of all group members with just one click. Our member overview gives you quick access to the most important information and authorizations of your team members. This allows you to efficiently manage who has which authorization and make changes if necessary.

Scramble Cloud Gruppen

We answer your questions

In our FAQ section you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our cloud storage. Can't find your question? Please feel free to contact us.

Cloud storage allows you to store files online so that you can access them anytime, anywhere. Your data is stored securely on servers in a data center that is available around the clock. With Scramble, files are only stored in encrypted form, making them unreadable without the right key.

Cloud storage offers flexibility as you can access your data from any internet-enabled device. It facilitates sharing and collaboration, saves on physical storage devices and offers scalable storage space. While data on a faulty hard disk can be lost, data stored in the cloud remains accessible through regular backups, even if your local hardware fails.

The costs for our cloud storage depend on the required storage space and your customer category (private or business). Scramble offers flexible, cost-effective options with no additional charges for traffic.

With Scramble cloud storage, you have access to your data anytime, anywhere. Whether laptop, tablet or smartphone - your files are always just a click away. Our cross-platform solution ensures flexible working in real time, regardless of the device.

While many cloud providers either offer no encryption at all or only use server-side encryption, we at Scramble rely on comprehensive end-to-end encryption. With server-side encryption, there is a risk that providers and hackers can access your data, as the incident with Microsoft's Cloud Master Key 2023 showed. With end-to-end encryption, we ensure that your files never leave your end device unencrypted. Each account receives its own master key so that neither we nor other parties, including companies or authorities, can view your unencrypted data.

Your data is stored on servers within Germany that comply with the strict GDPR requirements. They are also located in ISO 27001-certified data centers that guarantee the highest security standards. Thanks to end-to-end encryption, only unreadable data fragments are stored on the servers, which can only be decrypted using your account and the corresponding master key.

Other functions of our cloud storage